a little About Me

Organic Search Engine Optimizer and HubSpot Academy Certified.

Sirish Kumar - HubSpot Academy SEO Certified digital marketing professional with over 10+ years of experience across the globe in digital marketing industry.

Brithday 07-04-1986
Call +91-99bbbFYI8360
Email myname@gmail.com
Website https://www.linkedin.com/in/dattasirishkumar/
SEO Certification Inbound Marketing Digital Marketing
datta sirish kumar

Digital Marketing Skills

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam odio vel, doloremque dignissimos, doloribus esse ullam. Voluptatibus, veritatis quas. Incidunt deserunt eius harum a dolorem. Debitis, optio. Magnam cupiditate, adipisci?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam odio vel, doloremque dignissimos, doloribus esse ullam. Voluptatibus, veritatis quas. Incidunt deserunt eius harum

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Youtube Video Optimization (YVO)
Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Web Analytics & Webmaster Tools

My Interests

Passionate to do When i have time

Web Addict

The only hero of your story is a customer, and you are just a guide for a hero.

Digital Creator

Digital Personal Brand is what the search engine says about you when people research you online.


Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.


In the information age, build a website before you build a workplace.


Wherever you go, go with all your heart. In the end, we only regret the places we didn’t travel. So Seek to sea more and live the travel life. The goal is to die with memories not dreams.


Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food. Finally, Biryani and Beer a day keeps the doctor away for me.


% Happy Clients


Projects Done




Bottles of Beer

My Works

What i do
  • All
  • Travel
  • Photograph
  • Foods

Professional Experience

My Recent Experiences
Oct 2015 - Till date
Sr. SEO Strategist

Handling organic search across regions NA, EMEA and Data Center Group (Enterprise) for worlds #1 PC Manufacturing company.

Feb 2015 - Sep 2015
Sr. SEO Analyst

Effectively worked on building up overall SEO Strategic plan from scratch for Flights Booking egine across MEA & closely worked with Dev teams at different stages.

Jan 2013 - Jul 2014
Sr SEO Analyst

Implementation of improvements in Search Engine Optimization process along with Client Proposals for SEO program with budget allocations.

From My Blog

Latest updates worth reading

What is ChatGPT and How Can You Use It?

ChatGPT is a chatbot launched by OpenAI research company in November 2022 and is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 family.

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer.

What is ChatGPT Explained?

Explore OpenAI ChatGPT tool for any of your questions and get instant intelligent answers. 

What Is ChatGPT Explained?

The Future of AI is Transforming the World.

Chat GPT for SEO produces well-written Contents, Essays, Articles, Blog Posts virtually on any topic as well as can use it for writing informative Product Descriptions and Page Titles. 

ChatGPT Login https://chat.openai.com/auth/login

Using ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/chat

Useful ChatGPT Links:

  • https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChatGPT
  • https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-for-google/jgjaeacdkonaoafenlfkkkmbaopkbilf

HubSpot SEO Certified Professional

Completed SEO Certification Course from HubSpot Academy and now, I'm SEO Certified professional with below Curriculum completed:

  • SEO Basics
  • On Page and Technical SEO
  • Keyword Research for SEO
  • Link Building for SEO: Scaling Backlink Strategy
  • Optimizing Your Website for Rich Results
  • SEO Reporting

HubSpot SEO Certificate is valid from 10Aug2022 to 09Sep2023

seo certified expert

SEO Certificate Link


With Regards
Datta Sirish Kumar

Google Search Operators Complete List (Advanced Site Search Operators)

'“search term”

Force an exact-match search. Use this to refine results for ambiguous searches, or to exclude synonyms when searching for single words.

Example: “steve jobs”


Search for X or Y. This will return results related to X or Y, or both. Note: The pipe (|) operator can also be used in place of “OR.”

Examples: jobs OR gates / jobs | gates


Search for X and Y. This will return only results related to both X and Y. Note: It doesn’t really make much difference for regular searches, as Google defaults to “AND” anyway. But it’s very useful when paired with other operators.

Examplejobs AND gates


Exclude a term or phrase. In our example, any pages returned will be related to jobs but not Apple (the company).

Example: jobs -apple


Acts as a wildcard and will match any word or phrase.

Example: steve * apple 

( )

Group multiple terms or search operators to control how the search is executed.

Example: (ipad OR iphone) apple


Search for prices. Also works for Euro (€), but not GBP (£) 🙁

Example: ipad $329


A dictionary built into Google, basically. This will display the meaning of a word in a card-like result in the SERPs.

Example: define:entrepreneur


Returns the most recent cached version of a web page (providing the page is indexed, of course).

Example: cache:apple.com


Restrict results to those of a certain filetype. E.g., PDF, DOCX, TXT, PPT, etc. Note: The “ext:” operator can also be used—the results are identical.

Example: apple filetype:pdf / apple ext:pdf


Limit results to those from a specific website.

Example: site:apple.com


Find sites related to a given domain.

Example: related:apple.com


Find pages with a certain word (or words) in the title. In our example, any results containing the word “apple” in the title tag will be returned.

Example: intitle:apple


Similar to “intitle,” but only results containing all of the specified words in the title tag will be returned.

Example: allintitle:apple iphone


Find pages with a certain word (or words) in the URL. For this example, any results containing the word “apple” in the URL will be returned.

Example: inurl:apple


Similar to “inurl,” but only results containing all of the specified words in the URL will be returned.

Example: allinurl:apple iphone


Find pages containing a certain word (or words) somewhere in the content. For this example, any results containing the word “apple” in the page content will be returned.

Example: intext:apple


Similar to “intext,” but only results containing all of the specified words somewhere on the page will be returned.

Example: allintext:apple iphone


Proximity search. Find pages containing two words or phrases within X words of each other. For this example, the words “apple” and “iphone” must be present in the content and no further than four words apart.

Example: apple AROUND(4) iphone


Find the weather for a specific location. This is displayed in a weather snippet, but it also returns results from other “weather” websites.

Example: weather:san francisco


See stock information (i.e., price, etc.) for a specific ticker.

Example: stocks:aapl


Force Google to show map results for a locational search.

Example: map:silicon valley


Find information about a specific movie. Also finds movie showtimes if the movie is currently showing near you.

Example: movie:steve jobs


Convert one unit to another. Works with currencies, weights, temperatures, etc.

Example: $329 in GBP


Find news results from a certain source in Google News.

Example: apple source:the_verge


Not exactly a search operator, but acts as a wildcard for Google Autocomplete.

Example: apple CEO _ jobs

Here are the ones that are hit and miss testing:


Search for a range of numbers. In the example below, searches related to “WWDC videos” are returned for the years 2010-2014, but not for 2015 and beyond.

Example: wwdc video 2010..2014


Find pages that are being linked to with specific anchor text. For this example, any results with inbound links containing either “apple” or “iphone” in the anchor text will be returned.

Example: inanchor:apple iphone


Similar to “inanchor,” but only results containing all of the specified words in the inbound anchor text will be returned.

Example: allinanchor:apple iphone


Find blog URLs under a specific domain. This was used in Google blog search, but I’ve found it does return some results in regular search.

Example: blogurl:microsoft.com

 Google blog search discontinued in 2011


Find results from a given area.

Example: loc:”san francisco” apple

 Not officially deprecated, but results are inconsistent.


Find news from a certain location in Google News.

Example: loc:”san francisco” apple

 Not officially deprecated, but results are inconsistent.

Here are the Google search operators that have been discontinued and no longer work. 🙁


Force an exact-match search on a single word or phrase.

Example: jobs +apple

 You can do the same thing by using double quotes around your search.


Include synonyms. Doesn’t work, because Google now includes synonyms by default. (Hint: Use double quotes to exclude synonyms.)

Example: ~apple


Find blog posts written by a specific author. This only worked in Google Blog search, not regular Google search.

Example: inpostauthor:”steve jobs”

 Google blog search was discontinued in 2011.


Similar to “inpostauthor,” but removes the need for quotes (if you want to search for a specific author, including surname.)

Example: allinpostauthor:steve jobs


Find blog posts with specific words in the title. No longer works, as this operator was unique to the discontinued Google blog search.

Example: intitle:apple iphone


Find pages linking to a specific domain or URL. Google killed this operator in 2017, but it does still show some results—they likely aren’t particularly accurate though. (Deprecated in 2017)

Example: link:apple.com


Find information about a specific page, including the most recent cache, similar pages, etc. (Deprecated in 2017)Note: The id: operator can also be used—the results are identical.

 Although the original functionality of this operator is deprecated, it is still useful for finding the canonical, indexed version of a URL. Thanks to @glenngabe for pointing this one one!

Example: info:apple.com / id:apple.com


Find results from a certain date range. Uses the Julian date format, for some reason.

Example: daterange:11278-13278

 Not officially deprecated, but doesn’t seem to work.


Find someone’s phone number. (Deprecated in 2010)

Example: phonebook:tim cook


Searches #hashtags. Introduced for Google+; now deprecated.

Example: #apple

Some More Ways to Use Google Search Operators

Source: ahrefs.com

Looking for best keyword research strategy to do in 2020 for SEO? 3 simple search intent steps on how to do keyword research for maximum traffic by categorizing with type of contents in SERPs.

Advanced Keyword Research Strategies in 2020

Selecting high search volume keywords does not mean that keyword research is completed and that’s a easier / regular analysis where most of the SEO professionals tend to do it. Now focusing more on search intent, today webmasters are considerably changing the way on identifying best keyword research strategies.

How to do Keyword Research in 2020?

  • Check the Search Volumes
  • Identify your Competitor’s Traffic Generating Keywords
  • Create Content around these Keywords [Content Gap Analysis]
  • Build Quality Links to the Newly Created Content / Page

The Best Keyword Research Strategy

In simple terms, if you aim to rank your website or web page - just fulfill / answer the needs of users for what they are looking for. Google now understands the Search Intent behind the query that user searched for & provides the best most relevant results. Below are few examples of Google SERP’s for selected keywords:

best laptops under $1000
buy lenovo gaming headsets

Keyword Research Ideas

Here is an overview of simple keyword research idea types with clear search intents by Category like how to’s, whats, branded queries, vs, best etc etc:

Types of Search Intent

happy re-searching..!
Google officially announced that they have dropped Submit URL to Google feature, but can still submit individual page url's via Fetc as Google option in Google Search Console tool for crawling & indexing.

R.I.P Submit URL to Google for Indexing

Google Drops Submit URL to Google for Indexing

It seems Google officially declared that they have dropped the public submission feature called Submit URL to Google, but webmasters or site owners can still submit their individual page url’s Google Search Console tool.

Image Credit: https://www.stanventures.com/

How to Submit my URL to Google Search Engine?

Log into Google Search Console.

Select your website from the list you have.

On LHS navigation, click on Crawl & goto Fetch as Google option.

Now submit/paste the url that you want Google for indexing in the text box & click FETCH AND RENDER.

Official Announcement from Google Webmasters

What is GS1 SmartSearch? The XML markup tool download for implementation to help search engines find your products more easily in online searches.

GS1 SmartSearch Schema Markup for e-Commerce Sites

GS1 SmartSearch

Here is the new advanced schema markup for products called GS1 SmartSearch [an extension of schema.org to support richer product data descriptions], helping organic search listings gain more visibility in search results and JSON-LD is the recommended format for GS1 SmartSearch.

GS1 SmartSearch Markup Tool Builder

Now Get GS1 Schema Download/XML Schema Download.


Test Your Page in Google Structured Data Tool


GS1 SmartSearch Video

People want to find results as fast as possible & studies show that people really care about page speed. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of visitors expect a website to load in less than 2 seconds.

How to Improve Website Page Speed?

What is Page Speed?

Page speed is actually described in either “page load time” (the time taken for a page to fully display the content) or “time to first byte” (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server).


How to Evaluate your Website Page Speed?

Use Google PageSpeed Insights tools as it reports two important speed metrics:

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • DOM Content Loaded (DCL)

What is FCP and DCL in Page Speed?

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP): measures when a user sees a visual response from the page. Faster times are more likely to keep users engaged.
  • DOM Content Loaded (DCL): measures when HTML document has been loaded & parsed. Faster times have been shown to correlate with lower bounce rates.
Image Source: www.pagetraffic.com

Here are some of the ways to increase your page speed:

  • Enable Compression
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML
  • Reduce Redirects
  • Remove render-blocking JavaScript
  • Leverage Browser Caching
  • Improve Server Response Time
  • Use a Content Distribution Network
  • Optimize Images

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Let’s Have a Digital Shake hand!

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Feel free to get connected digitally by dropping me a line and I will try my best to respond.

  • 10th Main, 1st Cross, IN
  • +91-99bbbFYI83b0
  • hello@domain.com
  • www.dattasirishkumar.com